Counselling Code

Computer Science and Engineering


The Department of Computer Science and Engineering was established in the year 2001.It offers a 4 year B.E (Computer Science and Engineering) Programme and 2 year M.E. (Computer Science and Engineering) Programme.The department has been recognized as a centre for carrying out Ph.D (By Research) Programme under Anna University, Chennai. It has dedicated and specialized faculty members in different areas of Computer Science and Engineering with rich experience in academics, industry and research. The department has well equipped and spacious laboratories with modern computer equipments.

The vision and mission of the department is


To produce globally competent, socially responsible professionals in the field of Computer Science and Engineering.


  • M1: Impart high quality experiential learning to get expertise in modern software tools
  • M2: Inculcate industry exposure and build inter disciplinary research skills
  • M3: Mould the students to become Software Professionals, Researchers and Entrepreneurs by providing advanced laboratories.
  • M4: Acquire Innovative skills and promote lifelong learning with a sense of societal and ethical responsibilities

Faculty Name List
Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)
  • PEO 1: Graduates of the programme will develop proficiency in identifying, formulating, and resolving complex computing problems.
  • PEO 2: Graduates of the programme will achieve successful careers in the field of computer science and engineering, pursue advanced degrees, or demonstrate entrepreneurial success.
  • PEO 3: Graduates of the programme will cultivate effective communication skills, teamwork abilities, ethical values, and leadership qualities for professional engagement in industry and research organizations.

Graduates of B.E. Computer Science and Engineering will be able to:

  • PSO 1: Analyze, develop and provide solutions to industrial problems in computer domain using programming, data processing and analytical skills.
  • PSO 2: Apply software application oriented skills to innovate solution to meet the ever changing demands of IT industry.
Program Outcomes (POs):
  • PO1: Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
  • PO2: Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
  • PO3: Design / development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
  • PO4: Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
  • PO5: Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
  • PO6: The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
  • PO7: Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
  • PO8: Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
  • PO9: Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
  • PO10: Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
  • PO11: Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
  • PO12: Life - long learning: Recognize the need for and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
40 Ms.HEMALATHA M M.E Assistant Professor05-06-2023Regular -->


Venue: A 201 (A)

Number of System: 64


1.Data Base Management Systems Laboratory1.Computer Networks Laboratory
2.Object oriented Programming Laboratory 2.Operating System Laboratory


  • Processor: Intel® Core ™ i5-6500 CPU @ 3.20 GHZ
  • RAM: 8.00 GB DDR-4
  • SSD: 256 GB
  • Keyboard & Optical Mouse
  • Monitor: Lenovo 18.5 Inch
  • DVD Writer
  • Windows 10 Pro OS


  • JDK1.6
  • Eclipse
  • Turbo C7
  • Oracle 9i
  • Java version &NS2
  • Linux(Fedora19)


Mr Swaminathan K. B.Sc.(CS)., - Programmer


Venue: A 201 (B)

Number of System: 76


1.Object Oriented Analysis and Design Laboratory1. Data Mining Tools Laboratory
2.Internet Programming Laboratory 2. Security Laboratory


  • Processor: Intel® Core ™ i5-6500 CPU @ 3.20 GHZ
  • RAM: 8.00 GB DDR-4 SSD: 256 GB
  • Keyboard & Optical Mouse
  • Monitor: Acer 18.5 Inch
  • DVD Writer
  • Low Volt, Dual Rank, X4 Bandwidth
  • Windows 10 Pro OS




Mr Silambarasan A. BCA., - Programmer


Venue: A 101 (A)

Number of System: 80


1.MS Power Bi Laboratory1.Mobile Network Design Technologies Laboratory
2. Advanced Data Analytics Laboratory


  • Processor: Intel® Core ™ i3-3220 CPU @ 3.20 GHZ
  • RAM: 2.00 GB DDR 3
  • HDD: 500 GB
  • Keyboard & Optical Mouse
  • Monitor: Lenovo 18.5 Inch
  • DVD Writer


  • MS Power bi


Mrs Sathya A. B.E (CSE) - Programmer


Venue: A 101 (B)

Number of System: 64

1.Mini Project1.Research /Project work
2.Research /Project work


  • Processor: Intel® Core ™ i3-6100T Cpu @ 3.20 GHZ
  • RAM: 4.00 GB DDR 4
  • SSD: 256 GB
  • Keyboard & Optical Mouse
  • Monitor: Lenovo 18.5 Inch
  • DVD Writer
  • Windows 10 Pro OS


  • Turbo C/C++
  • Fedora 19
  • JDK1.6
  • Power bi
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
  • Eclipse
  • Apache Tomcat server
  • MySql
  • Python
  • NS2
  • R-Studio
  • Weka Tool
  • Adobe Reader


Mrs Selvarani S. B.E - Programmer

Internet of Things Lab:

Venue: A 105

Number of System: 10

1.Internet of Things Laboratory 1.Internet of Things Project work


  • Processor: Intel® Core ™ i3-6100T Cpu @ 3.20 GHZ
  • RAM: 4.00 GB DDR 4
  • SSD: 256 GB
  • Keyboard & Optical Mouse
  • Monitor: Lenovo 18.5 Inch
  • Windows 10 Pro OS


  • Turbo C++, GCC Compiler
  • Codeblocks, Python, Java
  • Arduino IDE
  • Netbeans, Eclipse
  • Anaconda, Jupiter, Wire Shark
  • PHP, MY SQL, Network Simulator 2
  • R Tool, R Language, R Studio
  • Android Studio,Linux OS, Cent OS


Mrs.P.Saritha - Programmer

S.No Academic year Project Title Funding agency Duration
1. 2019 2020 Automatic medical image diagnoses for Brine Tumor Detection Using AI Technologies Green Soft Groups 6 months
2. 2020 -2021 Plasma Donor Application Avera Technology Pvt ltd 6 months
3. 2021 2022 Covid-19 prediction form Chest X-ray and CT scan using Deep Learning Methods Thrishicaa Softwares 6 months
4. 2021 2022 Vehicle speed control system : jurisdiction in restricted area using deep learning and RF. Green Soft Groups 6 months
S.No Timelines Tasks Project Person
1 40 days Reviewing literature and Collection of the image data set. P.Varalakshmi
2 45 days Developing the image prepossessing. P.Varalakshmi
3 15 days Import all library file P.Varalakshmi
4 50 days Developing a algorithm and execution of the code. P.Varalakshmi
5 45 days Train the data set and then installing the camera interface and validation. P.Varalakshmi
6 15 days Preparation of project completion report P.Varalakshmi


1. TNSCST Applied
2. MEITY Applied
3. SERB Applied
4. AICTE-VAANI Applied

Innovations by the Faculty in Teaching and Learning

Teaching methods adopted to improve student learning Resources available

(Department levels)

Innovations by the Faculty in teaching and learning shall be summarized as per the following description.

Contributions to teaching and learning are activities that contribute to the improvement of student learning. These activities may include innovations not limited to, use of ICT, instruction delivery, instructional methods, assessment, evaluation and inclusive class rooms that lead to effective, efficient and engaging instruction. Any contributions to teaching and learning should satisfy the following criteria:

  • The work must be made available on Institute website.
  • The work must be available for peer review and critique.
  • The work must be reproducible and developed further by other scholars.

The department/institution may set up appropriate processes for making the contributions available to the public, getting them reviewed and for rewarding. These may typically include statement of clear goals, adequate preparation, use of appropriate methods, and significance of results, effective presentation and reflective critique.

The practice of effective and meaningful teaching can benefit immensely when educators thoughtfully experiment and apply new or different pedagogical approaches, technologies, curricular enhancement, course design and organization, and assessments. Classroom andcourse management innovations, including new ways of teaching that promote student engagement, reorganization of a course(s) that improves students’ ability to apply what they learn, course content that clarifies historical changes, in theory, novel assignments that lead toincreased student engagement, student publications, and/or activities that bring students from diverse backgrounds together.

The faculty members handling the subjects with new innovative methods in the classroom help to improve the creative ideas of the students.

We are categorizing Innovation in Teaching-Learning process in our department into three aspects as shown

Video lecture

Video lectures created by the faculty members are made available in the institute website for the student’s reference.

Jayapradha S


Apart from text book and class room lecture, the students will be able to refer this Offline video to clarify their doubts.

Role Play approach

A specific topic will be given to a set of students where they will prepare themselves towards explaining the same by assuming every student with a role.


Student understood the approach very well and in easy way how the concept/ procedure/ algorithm work

Think, pair and share approach

Given a topic or concept to any student to think and answer whereas other students will learn and evaluate his/her answer.


One student think about the assigned topic and gives his/her views while another student evaluate that what is being learnt.

Question sessions (Viva Voice) for the students

Viva-Voice allows student to orally explain the concept clearly with a better understanding of concepts.


This process is useful for the students to make class room interactive and understand the course in an efficient way.

The work must be made available on Institute website.

  • The website provides information about the facilities of institution and also department.
  • Easy access of the Academic Calendar, University exam Time Table and Learning Materials is enriched and is also continuously updated.
  • For the betterment of student community video lectures are available on our college website.
The work must be available for peer review and critique

Departmental Initiatives:

Some of the innovations done by faculty members of Computer Science and Engineering department so as to improve the teaching and learning process.

S.No Innovation Courses used Description Impact on Learning Academic Year
1 Questioning Strategies (Viva Voice) In most of subjects questioning strategies are used This process is helpful for the students to make classroom more interactive and motivates for consistent learning Effective questioning sessions in classroom diagnose student’s strengths and weaknesses and also develop thinking skills of the students 2019 - 2020
2 NPTEL Video Lectures Computer Networks Routing algorithm is explained by faculty as well as video lecture. Apart from text book and syllabus students get adequate exposure of current technologies through these lectures. 2020 - 2021
3 Think, pair and share approach Database Management System Give SQL Queries to any student to think and answer where as other students will learn and evaluate his/her answer. One student think about the assigned SQL Queries and gives his / her views while another student evaluate that what is being learn. 2021 - 2022
4 Role Play approach Cryptography and Network Security Assign Euclid’s algorithm to find highest common factor to 6 students to perform whereas other students will learn and evaluate his/her answer. Student understood the approach very well and in easy way how greedy algorithm work to optimize solution 2021 - 2022
5 Flipped Learning In most of subjects are used questioning strategies The students watch online lectures, collaborate in online discussions, or carry out research at home, while actively engaging concepts in the classroom, with the course teacher’s guidance. To increase student work on live problem-solving during class time. 2021 - 2022
6 Video Lectures In most of subjects are used Video Lectures The links are available in our college web portal. The college web site address is Apart from text book and syllabus students get adequate exposure of current technologies through these lectures 2022-2023
The work must be reproducible and developed further by the other scholars


  • The information provided in the website is subjected to reproduce and developed further by the scholars, which leads to self-learning.
  • Black Board is available at our college website.
  • Few corrections are done in Course Handouts, Study Materials, Question Banks, Laboratory manuals and reproduced by the other faculty members..
Statement of clear goals, use of appropriate methods, significance of results, effective presentation and reflective critique.

Statement of clear goals:

  • The faculty members are encouraged to participate in workshops and FDP on advanced topics to keep pace with the advanced level of knowledge and skills.
  • To enrich the knowledge of faculty through Faculty Enrichment Programme (FEP) and encourage to participate/present papers in National/International Conferences also to publish articles in National/International Journals.

Usage of appropriate methods

Question banks are prepared based on subsequent occurrence on university question paper for all the courses of the department of Computer Science and Engineering are being transferred into the institute website regularly the same is also circulated via group email id. This approach helps the students to concentrate on specific problems which help in improving the results of slow learners.

  • Guest lectures, workshops andSeminars are conducted to update students’ knowledge in their stream. This mode of approach helps the rapid learners to enhance the technical skills to a greater extent and enrich their concepts in the curriculum with the industrial oriented applications.
  • Chalk and talk method is the common mode of content delivery.
  • Usage of LCD projectors and activity-based learning methodology are used whenever required.
  • Batch wise determination and three modes of assignments (Written/PPT/Seminar) are implemented.
  • Encourage the students towards undergoing In-plant training and hands on training.
  • Aids like Text books, Reference books, Supplementary books and University question banks are used.
  • Sophisticated resources are provided to support the advancements in pedagogy on campus.Well-equipped and enormous facilities are provided for technological efforts.


Use of ICT tools helps a faculty member to engage students in effective learning and enables learning beyond the classroom.

ICT tools practiced in our department through the following aspects is illustrated in

Smart Classroom

Every classroom at our institute is equipped with an interactive projector, Audio and Video system with an internet facility. Classrooms facilitate the instructor and students to use both ICT tools enabled learning and conventional chalk-talk learning.

Online resources

All the faculty members are encouraged to use online resources to improve the teaching-learning process. Every faculty member had a practice of pursuing an online course every semester related to the course which makes them be updated. This helps the facultymembers to prepare well for lectures.

Use of NPTEL videos and conceptual videos add value to our teaching-learning process.

Use of virtual lab (hosted by IIT), simulation tools and software make the students get insight knowledge on the subject.

Learning Management System (LMS)

Encouraging the students to learn beyond the classroom environment is achieved in our department by using Learning Management System (LMS). Google classroom is created for all the courses through which the students can access learning resources atanytime.

Innovative learning methods are initiated and implemented by the faculty for students to learn in a better manner.

Professional Society

Professional society at Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College (A) is very active. One of the most important functions these societies serve is the dissemination of technical knowledge which helps to ensure engineers remain abreast of recent discoveries and technical advances in this complex and ever changing field. Joining one of these societies is a positive step in making a commitment to lifelong learning.

Professional societies also provide important resources for students such as networking opportunities, career information, and the chance to spend time with people who share a passion for Computer Science and Engineering.

The following are the professional societies in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering.

  • Computer Society of India (CSI)
  • Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE)
  • International Association of Engineers (IAENG)
  • Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA)

Impact on professional Societies

  • Professional society activities, ideas, guidelines or training have been influenced in research.
  • Students are able to adapt in wounding frame technologies changing as a result of research.
  • Contribution to personal and professional development
  • The result is better strategic decision-making, higher levels of professional competence and better services for end users.

Professional Societies

S. No. Professional Societies Student Chapter Moto Establishment Year
1 Computer Society of India (CSI) YES To provide a national forum for interaction among IT enthusiast who were a computer user group. 2013
2 Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) YES To provide quality training programmes to teachers and administrators of technical institutions 2007
3 The International Association of Engineers(IAENG) NO Advancement of Academy to Industry 2019
4 Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) NO To empower, engage and advocate teachers worldwide 2022

Indian Society for Technical Education

ISTE stands for the International Society for Technology in Education. The ISTE Standards provide the competencies for learning, teaching and leading in the digital age, providing a comprehensive roadmap for the effective use of technology in schools worldwide. The educator section of the ISTE Standards provides a road map to helping students become empowered learners. These standards will deepen your practice, promote collaboration with peers, challenge you to rethink traditional approaches and prepare students to drive their own learning.


To provide quality training programmes to teachers and administrators of technical institutions.

Computer Society Of India

Computer Society of India is a body of computer professionals in India. It was started on 6 March 1965 by a few computer professionals and has now grown to be the national body representing computer professionals. It has 72 chapters across India, 511 student branches, and 100,000 members.

The Computer Society of India is a non-profit professional meet to exchange views and information to learn and share ideas. The wide spectrum of members is committed to the advancement of theory and practice of Computer Engineering and Technology Systems, Science and Engineering, Information Processing and related Arts and Sciences.

The Society also encourages and assists professionals to maintain integrity and competence of the profession and fosters a sense of partnership amongst members. Besides the activities held at the Chapters and Student Branches, the Society also conducts periodic conferences, seminars.


To provide a national forum for interaction among IT enthusiast who were a computer user group.

Student ISTE Members

S.No Institute Code Mem. ID. Reg Number Student's Name Valid till
1 TN237 000767 810421104001 AADHIKESAVAN M 2023-2025
2 TN237 000768 810421104002 AAKASH R 2023-2025
3 TN237 000769 810421104003 AARTHIKA S 2023-2025
4 TN237 000770 810421104004 ABDUL KALAM A 2023-2025
5 TN237 000771 810421104005 ABIPRASANTH R 2023-2025
6 TN237 000772 810421104006 ABISHEK R 2023-2025
7 TN237 000773 810421104007 ADITYA KUMAR 2023-2025
8 TN237 000774 810421104008 ADITYA KUMAR SAH 2023-2025
9 TN237 000775 810421104009 ADWAITH S CHANDRAN 2023-2025
10 TN237 000776 810421104010 AFRITH AHAMED A 2023-2025
11 TN237 000777 810421104012 AKSHAYA M 2023-2025
12 TN237 000778 810421104014 ALOK KUMAR 2023-2025
13 TN237 000779 810421104015 ALWIN SANTHOSH KUMAR R 2023-2025
14TN237 000780 810421104016 AMRIT RAJ 2023-2025
15 TN237 000781 810421104017 ANANTHA NARAYAN 2023-2025
16 TN237 000782 810421104018 ANBARASAN D 2023-2025
17 TN237 000783 810421104019 ANITHA S 2023-2025
18 TN237 000784 810421104020 ANUSEELAN S 2023-2025
19 TN237 000785 810421104021 ANUSHA R 2023-2025
20 TN237 000786 810421104022 APSAR MOHAMED A 2023-2025
21 TN237 000787 810421104023 ARAVIND S 2023-2025
22 TN237 000788 810421104024 ARTHI G 2023-2025
23 TN237 000789 810421104025 ARUL SELVAN V 2023-2025
24 TN237 000790 810421104026 ARUNKUMAR R 2023-2025
25 TN237 000791 810421104027 ARUNPANDIYAN D 2023-2025
26 TN237 000792 810421104028 ASATHULLAH S 2023-2025
27 TN237 000793 810421104029 ASHISH KUMAR 2023-2025
28 TN237 000794 810421104031 ASWIN JOE J 2023-2025
29 TN237 000795 810421104032 AVINASH S 2023-2025
30 TN237 000796 810421104033 AZAD HUSSAIN 2023-2025
31 TN237 000797 810421104034 BALAGOVINDARAJAN B 2023-2025
32 TN237 000798 810421104035 BALAGUHAN S 2023-2025
33 TN237 000799 810421104036 BALAJI S 2023-2025
34 TN237 000800 810421104037 BALAJI S 2023-2025
35 TN237 000801 810421104038 BALU M 2023-2025
36 TN237 000802 810421104039 BOOBALAN S 2023-2025
37 TN237 000803 810421104040 CUBA A R 2023-2025
38 TN237 000804 810421104041 DEEPAK RAJ D 2023-2025
39 TN237 000805 810421104042 DEEPIKA S 2023-2025
40 TN237 000806 810421104043 DHANALAKSHMI C 2023-2025
41 TN237 000807 810421104044 DHANUSH ARAVINTH P 2023-2025
42 TN237 000808 810421104045 DHANUSH G 2023-2025
43 TN237 000809 810421104046 DHANUSH S 2023-2025
44 TN237 000810 810421104047 DHASARATH B 2023-2025
45 TN237 000811 810421104048 DHATCHANAMOORTHI M 2023-2025
46 TN237 000812 810421104049 DINESH KUMAR R 2023-2025
47 TN237 000813 810421104050 DINESH P 2023-2025
48 TN237 000814 810421104051 EJAS AHAMED S 2023-2025
49 TN237 000815 810421104052 ERAMAJAYAM C 2023-2025
50 TN237 000816 810421104053 ESWARA PANDIYAN S 2023-2025
51 TN237 000817 810421104054 FAHEEM M 2023-2025
52 TN237 000818 810421104055 GAJENDARAN P 2023-2025
53 TN237 000819 810421104056 GAURAV KUMAR 2023-2025
54 TN237 000820 810421104057 GAUTAM KUMAR 2023-2025
55 TN237 000821 810421104058 GAYATHRI S 2023-2025
56 TN237 000822 810421104059 GAYATRI A 2023-2025
57 TN237 000823 810421104060 GOKUL G 2023-2025
58 TN237 000824 810421104061 GOPIKA KRISHNAN T 2023-2025
59 TN237 000825 810421104062 GOWSHICK R 2023-2025
60 TN237 000826 810421104063 GURURASU T 2023-2025
61 TN237 000827 810421104064 HADHEE RAHMAN C 2023-2025
62 TN237 000828 810421104065 HARIHARAN A 2023-2025
63 TN237 000829 810421104066 AARTHY T.R 2023-2025
64 TN237 000830 810421104067 ARUN KUMAR M 2023-2025
65 TN237 000831 810421104068 BARATH.S 2023-2025
66 TN237 000832 810421104069 DEEPA V 2023-2025
67 TN237 000833 810421104070 DENISH.E 2023-2025
68 TN237 000834 810421104071 KARTHIK RAJA M 2023-2025
69 TN237 000835 810421104072 HARIHARAN B 2023-2025
70 TN237 000836 810421104073 HARIHARAN C 2023-2025
71 TN237 000837 810421104074 HARIKARAN K 2023-2025
72 TN237 000838 810421104075 HARISH P 2023-2025
73 TN237 000839 810421104076 HARSHINI DEVI G 2023-2025
74 TN237 000840 810421104077 JAGADHEESAN A 2023-2025
75 TN237 000841 810421104078 JAYAJOTHI J 2023-2025
76 TN237 000842 810421104079 JAYASANTHIYA S 2023-2025
77 TN237 000843 810421104080 JERO SHELDON J 2023-2025
78 TN237 000844 810421104081 JIGAR SINGH 2023-2025
79 TN237 000845 810421104082 JOEGUS DERISON L 2023-2025
80 TN237 000846 810421104083 KABILAN D 2023-2025
81 TN237 000847 810421104084 KAMALI R 2023-2025
82 TN237 000848 810421104085 KARAN KUMAR SAHANI 2023-2025
83 TN237 000849 810421104086 KARIKALAN T 2023-2025
84 TN237 000850 810421104087 KARTHIGA S 2023-2025
85 TN237 000851 810421104088 KARTHIKRAJ S 2023-2025
86 TN237 000852 810421104089 KATHIRVALAVAN G 2023-2025
87 TN237 000853 810421104090 KAVIYA B 2023-2025
88 TN237 000854 810421104091 KEERTHANA K 2023-2025
89 TN237 000855 810421104092 KEERTHI V 2023-2025
90 TN237 000856 810421104093 KENES K ROBY 2023-2025
91 TN237 000857 810421104094 KRISHNARAJ K 2023-2025
92 TN237 000858 810421104095 LAKSHMI R 2023-2025
93 TN237 000859 810421104096 LASHIYA M 2023-2025
94 TN237 000860 810421104097 MADHUMITHA M 2023-2025
95 TN237 000861 810421104098 MANIKANDAN R 2023-2025
96 TN237 000862 810421104099 MANIKKARAJ R 2023-2025
97 TN237 000863 810421104100 MANOJALEX G 2023-2025
98 TN237 000864 810421104101 MARIYA VIANNEY A 2023-2025
99 TN237 000865 810421104103 MD SHAHID ANSARI 2023-2025
100 TN237 000866 810421104104 MD SHAKIL ANSARI 2023-2025
101 TN237 000867 810421104105 MD ZAID NAWAJ 2023-2025
102 TN237 000868 810421104106 MOHAMED IRFAN J 2023-2025
103 TN237 000869 810421104107 MOHAMED THOUFIK K 2023-2025
104 TN237 000870 810421104108 MUGUNTHAN P 2023-2025
105 TN237 000871 810421104109 MUTHAZHAGAN R 2023-2025
106 TN237 000872 810421104110 MUTHUKUMARAN M 2023-2025
107 TN237 000873 810421104112 NANDHAKISHORE O 2023-2025
108 TN237 000874 810421104113 NANDHAKUMARAN S 2023-2025
109 TN237 000875 810421104114 NAVEEN KUMAR S 2023-2025
110 TN237 000876 810421104115 NAVEENA V 2023-2025
111 TN237 000877 810421104116 NIKIL S 2023-2025
112 TN237 000878 810421104117 NIKILAN M 2023-2025
113 TN237 000879 810421104118 NISHANTH S 2023-2025
114 TN237 000880 810421104119 NIVETHA S 2023-2025
115 TN237 000881 810421104120 NIVETHA T 2023-2025
116 TN237 000882 810421104121 OPPILAMANI L 2023-2025
117 TN237 000883 810421104122 PRABU A 2023-2025
118 TN237 000884 810421104123 PRADEEP S 2023-2025
119 TN237 000885 810421104124 PRASANTH D 2023-2025
120 TN237 000886 810421104125 PRASANTH M 2023-2025
121 TN237 000887 810421104126 PRATHIBA C S 2023-2025
122 TN237 000888 810421104127 PRATHYUSH N P 2023-2025
123 TN237 000889 810421104128 PRAVIN M 2023-2025
124 TN237 000890 810421104129 PREETHI B 2023-2025
125 TN237 000891 810421104130 PREMKUMAR K 2023-2025
126 TN237 000892 810421104131 PRINCE KUMAR 2023-2025
127 TN237 000893 810421104132 PRIYANKA R 2023-2025
128 TN237 000894 810421104133 RADHAKRISHNAN R 2023-2025
129 TN237 000895 810421104134 RAGAPRIYA J 2023-2025
130 TN237 000896 810421104135 RAGHULKISHORE R 2023-2025
131 TN237 000897 810421104136 GOPI 2023-2025
132 TN237 000898 810421104137 KAMALRAJ B 2023-2025
133 TN237 000899 810421104138 MOHAMMED YASIR 2023-2025
134 TN237 000900 810421104139 SEKADHARAN 2023-2025
135 TN237 000901 810421104140 VIKRAM 2023-2025
136 TN237 000902 810421104141 RAGHURAMAN R 2023-2025
137 TN237 000903 810421104142 RAGUPATHI R 2023-2025
138 TN237 000904 810421104143 RAHUL KUMAR 2023-2025
139 TN237 000905 810421104144 RAJA R 2023-2025
140 TN237 000906 810421104145 RAJESH A 2023-2025
141 TN237 000907 810421104146 RAJESH R 2023-2025
142 TN237 000908 810421104147 RAJESH S 2023-2025
143 TN237 000909 810421104148 RAMIS RAJ L 2023-2025
144 TN237 000910 810421104149 RATHNA V 2023-2025
145 TN237 000911 810421104150 RAUSHAN KUMAR 2023-2025
146 TN237 000912 810421104151 RITHIKA K 2023-2025
147 TN237 000913 810421104152 RIYAZ AHAMED J 2023-2025
148 TN237 000914 810421104153 ROSHAN KUMAR 2023-2025
149 TN237 000915 810421104154 RUPESH KUMAR 2023-2025
150 TN237 000916 810421104155 SABARI P 2023-2025
151 TN237 000917 810421104156 SACHIN KUMAR 2023-2025
152 TN237 000918 810421104157 SAKTHI T 2023-2025
153 TN237 000919 810421104158 SALMAN KHAN N 2023-2025
154 TN237 000920 810421104159 SANNI KRANJAN KUMAR 2023-2025
155 TN237 000921 810421104160 SANSHAY KUMAR TIWARY 2023-2025
156 TN237 000922 810421104161 SANTHOSH B 2023-2025
157 TN237 000923 810421104162 SANTHOSH K 2023-2025
158 TN237 000924 810421104163 SANTHOSH KUMAR M 2023-2025
159 TN237 000925 810421104164 SANTHOSH R 2023-2025
160 TN237 000926 810421104165 SARAN N 2023-2025
161 TN237 000927 810421104166 SARAN N 2023-2025
162 TN237 000928 810421104167 SARANYA A K 2023-2025
163 TN237 000929 810421104168 SARATHI T 2023-2025
164 TN237 000930 810421104169 SARAVANAN K 2023-2025
165 TN237 000931 810421104170 SASIKALA E 2023-2025
166 TN237 000932 810421104171 SHALINI P 2023-2025
167 TN237 000933 810421104172 SHANTANU KUMAR YADAV 2023-2025
168 TN237 000934 810421104173 SHEELA R 2023-2025
169 TN237 000935 810421104174 SIDHIQUL AFLAH 2023-2025
170 TN237 000936 810421104176 SIVASAKTHI S 2023-2025
171 TN237 000937 810421104177 SIVASAKTHI S 2023-2025
172 TN237 000938 810421104178 SOUNDARAJAN M 2023-2025
173 TN237 000939 810421104179 SRIKANTH M 2023-2025
174 TN237 000940 810421104180 SRIRAM R K 2023-2025
175 TN237 000941 810421104181 SUBASH S 2023-2025
176 TN237 000942 810421104182 SUBASHREE K 2023-2025
177 TN237 000943 810421104183 SUGUMARAN M 2023-2025
178 TN237 000944 810421104184 SURAJ KUMAR 2023-2025
179 TN237 000945 810421104185 SURESH P 2023-2025
180 TN237 000946 810421104186 SURIYAPRAKASH S 2023-2025
181 TN237 000947 810421104187 TAMIZHANBU B 2023-2025
182 TN237 000948 810421104188 THANIGASALAM V 2023-2025
183 TN237 000949 810421104189 THIRISHA M 2023-2025
184 TN237 000950 810421104190 THIRUMALAI T 2023-2025
185 TN237 000951 810421104191 THOUBIC IMRAN M 2023-2025
186 TN237 000952 810421104192 THUFAIL N 2023-2025
187 TN237 000953 810421104301 TIBIN ROBY 2023-2025
188 TN237 000954 810421104303 VASANTHAKUMAR S 2023-2025
189 TN237 000955 810421104304 VENKADESH R 2023-2025
190 TN237 000956 810421104305 VIGNESHWARAN M 2023-2025
191 TN237 000957 810421104306 VIHINESHWARAN M 2023-2025
192 TN237 000958 810421104307 VIJAY R 2023-2025
193 TN237 000959 810421104308 VIKASH KUMAR 2023-2025
194 TN237 000960 810421104309 VIKRAM S 2023-2025
195 TN237 000961 810421104310 VISVA A 2023-2025
196 TN237 000962 810421104311 YOGESHWARI D 2023-2025
197 TN237 000963 810421104312 YUVARAJ K 2023-2025
198 TN237 000964 810421104313 BALAMURUGAN.S 2023-2025
199TN237 000965 810421104314 DANIEL ASHIK RAJ.A 2023-2025
200 TN237 000966 810421104315 MURGANSWAMI 2023-2025
201 TN237 000967 810421104316 SHAFIQDEEN.S 2023-2025
202 TN237 000968 810421104317 SURENDAR.R 2023-2025

Student CSI Members List

S.No Mem. ID. Student's Name Valid till College Name & Address Chapter Name IM-No
1 01600699 Aarthi P 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
2 01600700 Abinesh K. S 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
3 01600701 Abinesh A 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
4 01600702 Abinesh S 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
5 01600703 Abishek A 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
6 01600704 Ajai S 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
7 01600705 Akalya S 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
8 01600706 Akash R 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
9 01600707 Akash T 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
10 01600708 Akash.A 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
11 01600709 Akilan.E 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
12 01600710 Ananth.K 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
13 01600711 Anitha. A 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
14 01600712 Aravind.A 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
15 01600713 Arun Iyyappan 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
16 01600714 Arunkumar. S 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
17 01600715 Ashkar.A 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
18 01600716 Ashok Kumar P 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
19 01600717 Balaji. K 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
20 01600718 Balaji.M 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
21 01600719 Balaji P 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
22 01600720 Balamurugan P 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
23 01600721 Balasubramanian.M 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
24 01600722 Barath K 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
25 01600723 Bhakiyalakshmi.G 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
26 01600724 Boomika.M 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
27 01600725 Cheran G 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
28 01600726 Christo Edwinraj V 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
29 01600727 Deepika S 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
30 01600728 Devadharsan.S 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
31 01600729 Devika. P 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
32 01600730 Dhanush T 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
33 01600731 Dhanusya S 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
34 01600732 Dharshini.P 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
35 01600733 Dhivya Priya.R 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
36 01600734 Dinesh V 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
37 01600735 Elanthendral.J 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
38 01600736 Ezhilan.K 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
39 01600737 Gayathri.J.A 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
40 01600738 Gayathri T 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
41 01600739 Gokul S 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
42 01600740 Gokulnath.G 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
43 01600741 Gopi G 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
44 01600742 Gowtham D 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
45 01600743 Grithika. R 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
46 01600744 Guganathan M 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
47 01600745 Guna D 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
48 01600746 Hariharan.A 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
49 01600747 Hariharan A 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
50 01600748 Hariharan.R 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
51 01600749 Harish.K 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
52 01600750 Haysheena.G 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
53 01600751 Hemanthan. G 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
54 01600752 Idhris Ahamed.J 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
55 01600753 Janahar V 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
56 01600754 Janakiraman S 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
57 01600755 Jeeva M 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
58 01600756 Jeevadharshini. S 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
59 01600757 Jeevitha.S.J 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
60 01600758 Kalaiyarasan.K 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
61 01600759 Kameshwari.S 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
62 01600760 Kannan.S 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
63 01600761 Karpagamoorthy K 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
64 01600762 Kathiravan D 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
65 01600763 Kavin K R 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
66 01600764 Kaviya R 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
67 01600765 Kaviya S 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
68 01600766 Kaviya T 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
69 01600767 Keerthana A R 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
70 01600768 Kelly Josephine Raj A 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
71 01600769 Kiran Caberil R 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
72 01600770 Kirubashini S 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
73 01600771 Kiruthika A 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
74 01600772 Kiruthika C 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
75 01600773 Kiruthika S 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
76 01600774 Kowsalya P 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
77 01600775 Krishnabharathi S 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
78 01600776 Kumar R 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
79 01600777 Lakshmiprabha N 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
80 01600778 Lavanya M 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
81 01600779 Madhan M 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
82 01600780 Madhubalan S 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
83 01600781 Madhumitha R 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
84 01600782 Mahendran S 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
85 01600783 Maheswaran M 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
86 01600784 Maniraja K 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
87 01600785 Mano A 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
88 01600786 Manojkumar K 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
89 01600787 Mohammed Jubair A 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
90 01600788 Mohammed Siddhik A 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
91 01600789 Mohanraj C 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
92 01600790 Mouni R 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
93 01600791 Muniya Dinesh R 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
94 01600792 Muthamilselvi M 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
95 01600793 Naveen Kumar S 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
96 01600794 Navitha R 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
97 01600795 Nivetha R 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
98 01600796 Parameshwaran V 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
99 01600797 Parkavi R 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
100 01600798 Parkaviyan P 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
101 01600799 Pavithran M 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
102 01600800 Prabha D 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
103 01600801 Prabha S 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
104 01600802 Pradeep M 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
105 01600803 Pragathish P 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
106 01600804 Prakash Raj M 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
107 01600805 Praveen Kumar N 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
108 01600806 Praveen Kumar S 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
109 01600807 Priya Dharshini R 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
110 01600808 Rakesh J 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
111 01600809Ramkumar R 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
112 01600810 Ramya R 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
113 01600811 Ravivarman A 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
114 01600812 Roshini M 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
115 01600813 Sakthivel C 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
116 01600814 Sakthivel S 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
117 01600815 Sanjay Prasath S 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
118 01600816 Sanjay S 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
119 01600817 Santhosh C 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
120 01600818 Santhosh R 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
121 01600819 Santhoshkumar A 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
122 01600820 Aadith H 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
123 01600821 Dhananjay Kumar Suryesh 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
124 01600822 Jovakwin Litinov 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
125 01600823 Raushan Kumar 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
126 01600824 Saranraj.C 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
127 01600825 Saranraj.T 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
128 01600826 Sasikala.S 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
129 01600827 Sathish.K 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
130 01600828 Sathiya Priya.J 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
131 01600829 Selvabarathi.N 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
132 01600830 Shobana.P 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
133 01600831 Sivakami.S 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
134 01600832 Sivarajan.K 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
135 01600833 Sivasubramaniyam.S 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
36 01600834 Sneha.S 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
137 01600835 Sneka.S 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
138 01600836 Sridhar.J 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
139 01600837 Srihari.S 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
140 01600838 Srimathi.A 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
141 01600839 Sriram Kumar. S 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
142 01600840 Sudaroli.S 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
143 01600841 Sudharsan .V 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
144 01600842 Suganya.K 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
145 01600843 Sujitha.B 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
146 01600844 Surya.G 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
147 01600845 Surya.S 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
148 01600846 Susila.S 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
149 01600847 Suvetha.P 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
150 01600848 Swetha.S 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
151 01600849 Syed Irfan.S 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
152 01600850 Tamil Azhagan.S 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
153 01600851 Tamilmaran. A 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
154 01600852 Tharun Kumar.R 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
155 01600853 Thilagan.D 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
156 01600854 Vengatesan.R 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
157 01600855 Vengatesh.R 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
158 01600856 Venkatesh.G 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
159 01600857 Vijayalakshmi.J 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
160 01600858 Vinoth.V 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
161 01600859 Vivek Kumar 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
162 01600860 Yagavaraj.O 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
163 01600861 Yokeshraj.D 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
164 01600862 Akilan.V 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
165 01600863 Arun.A 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
166 01600864 Balaji.R 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
167 01600865 Dharshan.S 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
168 01600866 Gayathri Devi.R 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
169 01600867 Jaya Shree.R 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
170 01600868 Kannan.A 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
171 01600869 Louis Chiristopher.J 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
172 01600870 Manikandan.P 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
173 01600871 Manojkumar.D 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
174 01600872 Nithish.K 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
175 01600873 Ranjith.K 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
176 01600874 Sadham Husian.S 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
177 01600875 Sameer Imthiyaz.H 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
178 01600876 Sanjay.S 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606
179 01600877 Swetha.K 31.10.2024 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College Tiruchirappalli M10606

CSI Faculty Membership Details

S.No MemberID Nominee Name Email Id Validity
1 F8003108 Dr.S.Nandhakumar 28.02.2026
2 F8003109 Mrs S R Sowmiya 28.02.2026
3 F8003110 Mrs.T.Geetha 28.02.2026
4 F8003111 Mrs.R.Aarthy 28.02.2026
5 F8003112 Mrs.R.Arunapriya 28.02.2026
6 F8003113 Mr.V.Gokulakrishnan 28.02.2026
7 F8003114 Mr.S.Chinnadurai 28.02.2026
8 F8003115 Mr.P.Nallusam 28.02.2026
9 F8003116 Mr.G.Raja 28.02.2026
10 F8003117 Mr.G.Baskaran 28.02.2026
11 F8003118 Dr.R.Vijay 28.02.2026
12 F8004726 Dr.R.Gopi 28.02.2026
13 F8004727 Mrs.S.Francis Shamili 28.02.2026
14 F8004728 Mrs.M.Shobana 28.02.2026

CSI Nominee Membership Details

S.No MemberID Nominee Name Email Id Validity
1 F8003108 Dr.S.Nandhakumar 28.02.2020
2 F8003109 Mrs S R Sowmiya 28.02.2020
3 F8003110 Mrs.T.Geetha 28.02.2020
4 F8003111 Mrs.R.Aarthy 28.02.2020
5 F8003112 Mrs.R.Arunapriya 28.02.2020
6 F8003113 Mr.V.Gokulakrishnan 28.02.2020
7 F8003114 Mr.S.Chinnadurai 28.02.2020
8 F8003115 Mr.P.Nallusamy 28.02.2020
9 F8003116 Mr.G.Raja 28.02.2020
10 F8003117 Mr.G.Baskaran 28.02.2020

CSI Nominee Membership Details

S.No MemberID Nominee Name Email Id Validity
1 F8003109 Mrs S R Sowmiya 28.02.2023
2 F8003110 Mrs.T.Geetha 28.02.2023
3 F8003111 Mrs.R.Aarthy 28.02.2023
4 F8004726 Dr.R.Gopi 28.02.2023
5 F8004727 Mrs.S.Francis Shamili 28.02.2023

ISTE Faculty Membership Details

S.No MemberID Nominee Name Email Id
1 LM 06057 Dr.R.Gopi
2 LM 76513 Mrs.S R Sowmiya
3 LM 137849 Mrs.T.Geetha
4 LM 86319 Mr.V.Gokulakrishnan Gokulakrishnan.v
5 LM 137695 Mrs.R.Arunapriya Arunapriya.r
6 LM 138143 Mr.S.Chinnadurai chinnadurai.s
7 LM 137729 Mrs.K Ramya
8 LM 138131 Mrs.S.Francis Shamili francisshamili.s
9 LM 138133 Mr K Aswin
10 LM 138132 Mrs.S Jayapradha Jayapradha.s
11 LM 137783 Mrs.R Archana
12 LM 138130 Ms.M Hemalaths hemalaths
13 LM 138140 Mr.G Arun
14 LM 137710 Mrs.V Elavenil

Faculty lecture notes








Question with Answer





IP U20CS504 Notes