Counselling Code

IDBI Life Insurance

On behalf of the Management & the faculty, we take pleasure to congratulate the following students selected by "M/s.IDBI Federal Life Company Ltd, Chennai," on 15th October 2014.

S.No Name of the Student Department Status
1 Aby.P.Mathew MBA Selected
2 Aruna.K MBA Selected
3 Ashik K.Abraham MBA Selected
4 Durgadevi R MBA Selected
5 Gomathi Deepika R MBA Selected
6 Gowsalya S MBA Selected
7 Jayappiratha MBA Selected
8 Jishnad M MBA Selected
9 Kavitha K MBA Selected
10 Kiruthika R MBA Selected
11 Parivarthanam R MBA Selected
12 Prabhu MBA Selected
13 Sneka M MBA Selected
14 Sujikumari MBA Selected
15 Surendran S MBA Selected
16 Syamprasad K MBA Selected
17 Uthayakumar MBA Selected
18 Vanneyar Sudha D.Chokkalingam MBA Selected
19 Aish Sharma M B MBA Waiting List
20 Aswanth MBA Waiting List
21 Sharmila P MBA Waiting List
22 Vijay S MBA Waiting List