Counselling Code

Women Cell

Women cell promotes Women’s empowerment and awareness, addresses the problems of female students and staff regarding their grievances.

The following table shows the women cell composition.
S.No. Name Role Department
1. Dr.P.Rajeswari Chairperson ECE
2. Dr.B.Karthiga Vice chairperson ECE
3. Prof.D.Sudha Staff Members S&H
4. Mrs.Radha S&H
5. Prof.R.Aarthy CSE
6. Prof.Ramya Priyadharshini, IT
7. Prof.Emily Physical Directress
8. Ms.Anto Maurin Lisha Student Members BME
9. Ms.S.Sasikala CSE
10. Ms.A.Gayathri ECE
11. Ms.R.T.Jeevitha EEE

  • A team comprising of a senior female faculty, faculty from all programs and student representatives comprise the Women Cell.
  • To make them aware of their rights.
  • To help them in knowing the importance of good health and nutrition and facilities available for them.
  • To help them in developing decision making abilities and be self-dependent.
  • To promote a culture of respect and equality for female gender.
  • To enhance the self-esteem and self-confidence of girl students, women faculty and staff.