Counselling Code


An Anti-Ragging committee effectively controls ragging, which is a violation against the fundamental human rights and human values.

Composition of Anti - Ragging Cell
S.No. Members Designation Department
1 Dr.K.Anbarasan Convener Dean - Academics
2 Dr.S.Anbu Co-Convener Food Technology
3 Dr.M.Chellapan Professor Mechanical Engineering
4 Dr.D.Katheresan Professor Robotics and Automation
5 Dr.S.Gopinathan Professor Civil Engineering
6 Dr.D.KarthikeyanAssociate Professor Biomedical Engineering
7 Dr.K.Vishalatchi Professor Electronics and Communication Engineering
8 Dr.R.Gopi Associate Professor Information Technology
9 Dr.P.Senthil Kumar Assistant professor Science and Humanities
10 Mr.K.Karthick Babu Assistant professor Biomedical Engineering
11 Mrs.P.Rajeswari Professor Pharmaceutical Technology
12 Mr.K.Sureshkumar Assistant professor Physical Director
13 Mr.K.Surya Prakash Student Members IV Year-Mechanical Engineering
14 Mr.M.Tamil mani II Year-MBA
15 Mr.S.Akilan II Year- Computer Science and Engineering

  • To ensure compliance with the provision of UGC regulation 2009 at institute level.
  • To conduct such enquiry observing a fair and transparent procedure and principals of natural justice and after giving adequate opportunity to the student or student accused of ragging and other witnesses to place before it the facts, documents and views concerning the incident of ragging and considering such other relevant information as may be required
  • To monitor and oversee the performance of anti ragging squad in prevention of ragging at the institution.
  • To monitor the welfare of fresh students outside the campus.
  • Assign squad members with various duties at the crowded areas of the college campus to prevent the fresher’s from being ragged.
  • Formulate surprise visits to hostel and other vulnerable places prone to ragging.
  • Organize special guest lectures on right to information act to create awareness in students.