Counselling Code

Mechanical Engineering


The Department of Mechanical Engineering was established in the academic year 2005–2006. The department has experienced faculty members with different specializations in design, CAD/CAM, thermal, and production engineering. Faculties are actively involved in R&D activities that result in high-quality publications in national and international journals and conferences. The department has good infrastructural facilities such as Centre of Excellence in Design, Centre of Excellence in Manufacturing, Thermal Engineering Laboratory, Manufacturing Technology Laboratory, Metrology Laboratory, Dynamics Laboratory, Mechatronics Laboratory, etc.. The department also offers a postgraduate programme in CAD/CAM. The department has organized several national-level seminars, symposiums, workshops, and faculty development programs for the benefit of the faculty members, researchers, and students.


To develop highly skilled Mechanical Engineers dedicated to serving society.

  • M1: To Foster a dynamic learning environment that prepares competent student-research scholars in Mechanical Engineering.
  • M2: To Build state-of-the-art laboratories to meet technological advancements and transformations.
  • M3: To Uphold moral and ethical principles among faculty and students.
Program Educational Objective

    This Course is conducted to achieve the following Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs):

  • PEO1: Academic Excellence Excel as successful engineers or entrepreneurs.
  • PEO2: Leadership Quality Become effective leaders, demonstrating professionalism and a Commitment to lifelong learning.
  • PEO3: Research skill and Ethics Handle real-time projects while upholding ethical values.
Program Specific Outcome
  • PSO1: Apply fundamental and advanced concepts in mechanical engineering across multiple domains, such as materials, design, manufacturing, and thermal engineering, to effectively design, develop, and implement complex products and systems.
  • PSO2: Identify, select, and effectively utilize ICT tools commonly employed Mechanical Engineering such as Computer-Aided Design (CAD) software, simulation software, and data analysis tools to create and apply innovative solutions for the betterment of society.

Faculty/Student Publications

S.NO Academic Year International Journals (Journal wise) International Journals (Author wise)
1 2022-2023 06 12
2 2021-2022 09 25
3 2020-2021 10 25
4 2019-2020 11 17
Total 36 79
International Journals
S.NO Academic Year Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) Scopus Others Total
1 2022-2023 02 01 03 - 06
2 2021-2022 02 - 04 03 09
3 2020-2021 02 - - 08 10
4 2019-2020 05 - 06 - 11
Total 11 01 13 11 36

Fund Details/Consultancy/Product Development(if any) Details of fund received

S.NO Faculty Name Name of the Project Name of the Funding agency Date of Applied Status
1 Dr. J. Arunprasad The effect of lanthanum oxide nanoparticles on the performance, emission, and tribological properties of biodiesel from naviculla sp. algae TNSCST 2021 Received

Professional Society Chapter Member/Association Member list.

Availability and Activities of Professional societies / chapters

Professional societies such as SAE, IAENG and IRED have already been incepted in the college. Among these societies, we have student chapters in SAE. Many events are organized in collaboration with such a professional body for the benefit of the students and faculties.

S.No Professional Societies Student Chapter Motive
1 Society of Automotive Engineers INDIA YES To provide a forum for members to informally exchange views and ideas
2 International Association of Engineers NO To provide venues for the exchange of information and ideas among the engineers and scientists.
3 The Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors NO Free online access to all Conference publications and Journal publication by Associated Networks of IRED
Academic Year Date Title of the Event Organized by Year of Students Participated
2019-2020 13.03.2020 Recent Trends in Metallurgy, Materials, Manufacturing and Aeronautical Engineering IRED II, III, IV
2020-2021 22.05.2021 Machine Learning Techniques and Applications for Condition Monitoring” IRED II, III, IV
10.06.2021 Seminar on Fundamentals of Heat Transfer & Its applications IAENG II, III, IV
2021-2022 25.08.2021 Seminar on Nano Manufacturing IRED II, III, IV
31.03.2022 TECH-DAY 2022 IAENG II, III, IV

Innovations in TLP

Use of Various instructional methods and pedagogical initiatives
  • The faculty are now oriented towards Outcome based Education (OBE) and are actively utilizing the OBE to cater the learning need of students by innovative methods.
  • The faculty of department adopts various innovative Teaching & Learning methodologies to create the best learning environment for students. These methodologies include traditional black board teaching, presentations, video lecturing, collaborative learning methods etc. as given below.

Lecture method and Interactive learning

  • The faculty use chalk and board and audio-visual aids in teaching. Students are encouraged to actively interact during the lecture hour by getting the doubts clarified. Further, students are also encouraged to give seminars relevant to the subjects which add to their presentation skills.

Project-based learning

  • During pre-final year, the students are encouraged to carry out mini projects and in the final year academic projects are executed under the guidance of faculty.

Computer-assisted learning

  • The department is equipped with sufficient number of computers, LCD projectors, internet facility, application software, system software and printers which are effectively used for teaching and learning. Faculty members are making effective use of sources like National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL), internet sources for effective teaching.

Flipped Learning

  • The flipped classroom is a pedagogical model in which the typical lecture and homework elements of a course are reversed. Short video lectures are viewed by students at home before the class session, while in-class time is devoted to exercises, projects or discussions. The details given below for the information.

Lab Details with Photograph

Sl.No Name of the Laboratory No.of Students per setup (Batch Size) Name of the Important equipment Weekly utilization status (all the courses for which the lab is utilized) Technical Manpower support
Name of the technical staff Designation Qualification
1. Engineering Practices Laboratory 30 Lathe, drilling machine, arc welding setup, sheet metal 30 hours Mr. S.M. Sivanandam Lab Technician DME
2. Manufacturing Technology Laboratory - I 3(36) Lathe, Shaper, Milling 12hours Mr. Rengadurai T Lab Technician DME
3 Fluid Mechanics and Machinery Laboratory 3(36) Francis turbine, Centrifugal pump/submergible pump, Orifice meter, Venturi meter 12hours Mr. C. Asaithambi Lab Technician ITI
4 Computer Aided Machine Drawing Laboratory 1(36) Computers, SOLIDWORKS, ANSYS, AUTO CAD, EDGE CAM 36 hours Mr. T. Muthuraj Lab Technician DME
5 Strength of Materials Laboratory 3(36) Universal Tensile Testing machine, Brinell Hardness Testing, Metallurgical Microscopes, Muffle Furnace 18 hours Mr. C. Asaithambi Lab Technician ITI
6 Thermal Engineering Laboratory 3(36) Morse test, Flash point, Fire point, IC engines 12hours Mr.P.Chandrasekar Lab Technician DME
7 Manufacturing Technology Laboratory - II 3(36) Lathe, Shaper, Milling 12hours Mr. Rengadurai T Lab Technician DME
8 Dynamics Laboratory 3(36) Governor, Gyroscope, Whirling shaft, dampers 18 hours Mr.V.Azhagudurai Lab Technician DME
9 Heat Transfer Laboratory 3(36) Refrigeration setup, Boiler setup 12hours Mr.P.Chandrasekar Lab Technician DME
10 Metrology and Measurements Laboratory 3(36) Profile Projector, Autocollimator 12hours Mr. P.Vijayakumar Lab Technician DME
11 CAD/CAM Lab 1(36) Computers, SOLIDWORKS, ANSYS, AUTO CAD 36 hours Mr.G. Elavarasan Lab Technician B.E
12 Simulation and Analysis Laboratory 1(36) Computers, SOLIDWORKS, ANSYS, AUTO CAD 36 hours Mr. G. Elavarasan Lab Technician B.E
13 Mechatronics Laboratory 3(36) Basic Pneumatic Trainer Kit with manual and electrical controls/ PLC Control, Hydraulics and Pneumatics Systems Simulation Software 12hours Mr. P.Vijayakumar Lab Technician DME

Area of the Laboratory : 220Sq.m

Major Equipment

  • HP CPU - 8GB RAM, 256GB SSD, Intel core i3 - 3.20GHz
  • Lenovo LED Monitor
  • HP Keyboard
  • HP Mouse

Major Experiments

  • Assembly modelling of flange coupling.
  • Assembly modelling of screw jack.
  • Assembly modelling of stuffing box.
  • Assembly modelling of tailstock.
  • Assembly modelling of piston.
  • Assembly modelling of Connection rod.
  • Assembly modelling of machine vice.

Beyond the syllabus

  • Freeform surface modelling
  • Sheet metal modelling
  • Thermal analysis of composite wall

Utilization of the laboratory

  • For second year computer aided machine drawing laboratory.
  • For third year computer aided design / computer aided manufacturing laboratory.
  • For fourth year simulation and analysis laboratory.

Faculty lecture notes

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