Students Corner


College Working Hours: 9.15 a.m – 4.50 a.m

Every second Saturday will be a working day to the Students.

  • Bus Timings: Arrival at campus 9.00a.m. Departure from campus 5.00pm.
  • Students are not allowed to enter the college premises after 9.15a.m and are not allowed to leave the college premises before 4.50p.m
  • Hostel students should leave the hostel before 8.50a.m.
  • No student is permitted to come by two wheeler, four wheeler, autorick Shaw or taxi to the college.
  • Every student should compulsorily wear ID card inside the campus.
  • All the male students should wear self-coloured pants and checked or plain shirts tucked in and wear only leather shoes with socks. On formal days they can wear a tie.
  • All girl students should wear salwar cummies with dupata pinned on both shoulders.
  • Any other dress code is strictly forbidden, for both boys and girls, within the campus.
  • A candidate should secure a minimum of 75% attendance to be eligible to appear for attending the university examination, as per the university rules and regulations.
  • Student should download from their webportal, their attendance every spell.
  • No student shall absent himself/ herself from the class without applying for leave. Continuous absentive for more than three days without permission will result in strict action. All leave applications should be endorsed by the Parent/ Guardian/ Warden, Counselor, Physical Director, Head of the Department and Principal.
  • All applications duly filled in, must be handed over to the counselor.
  • An applicant who falls sick for more than three days will not be granted leave unless the application issued by a Registered Medical Practitioner.
  • All cases of absence without permission will be reported to parents/ guardian along with the progress report.
  • A student without leave during a period of the day will be considered as absent for half a day. Those requiring leave for a portion of a period must apply to the lecturer in person before the class begins.
  • Students should be present in the college premises ten minutes before the commencement of the classes. Late comers will not be permitted to attend classes. Habitual late corners will be dealt with seriously.
  • Students should have moral responsibility. They should behave in a disciplined manner with teachers; non-teaching staff and fellow students.
  • Students are expected to show respect to teachers by greeting them on their first meeting on each day in the college premises.
  • No student shall leave the classroom either without permission or before the teacher leaves the room.
  • Students, who came to the classroom after the roll call, should enter only on getting permission from the class in-charge/ HOD.
  • Students shall spend their leisure time in the library or in the internet lab.
  • Loitering on the verandah, disfiguring or damaging furniture and writing on walls or desks is strictly prohibited. Students violating this rule will be levied with fine.
  • Students should maintain silence while at work in the classroom, library and laboratory.
  • Students are expected to read the notices/ circulars displayed on the notice/ circulars displayed on the above will not be accepted as an excuse for failure to comply with it.
  • No meeting or debate of any kind shall be arranged/ conducted by any student in the college premises without the written permission from the Principal.
  • Students shall not align themselves with any political party or take part in any political agitations.
  • No student shall organize or instigate strike, of any kind. Any student who contravenes this rule will be expelled from the institution.
  • Teasing, abusing or playing practical jokes on or causing hurt to such student, or asking the student to do any act or perform something which such student will not, in the ordinary course willingly act or perform.
  • Ragging within or outside any educational institution is prohibited.
  • Whoever directly or indirectly commits, participates in abetting or propagating “Ragging” within or outside any educational institution shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend upto two years and shall also be liable to a fine.
  • Any student convicted of such an offence, shall also be dismissed from the educational institution and student shall not be admitted in any other educational institution.
  • Without prejudice to the forgoing provisions, whenever any student complains of ragging to the Head of an educational institution , or to any other person responsible for the management of the educational institution shall enquire into the same immediately and if found true shall suspend the student, who has committed the offence, from the educational institution.
  • Any grievance shall be given, in writing, to the Principal.
  • No subscription of any kind shall be collected by any student without the written permission from the Principal.
  • Any act of misbehavior or indiscipline will entail suspension and/ or expulsion from the college.
  • Students who are using either college bus or the private bus should not indulge in any act of misbehavior during bus journey.
  • Students who are not living with Parents or Guardian shall reside in hostel or in lodging approved by the Principal.
  • In regard to all matters, specified in the forgoing rules, students shall aim conducting themselves befitting the reputation of the college.
  • The Principal’s decision shall be final in the matters of punishment to the students for matters of punishment to the students for violation of any of the college rules.
  • Students should bring their identity card and sign in the Gate entry register whenever they enter the library.
  • Loss of library cards should be reported in writing to the librarian to avoid the misuse of their card.
  • While returning books to the library, students should ensure that their books are duly discharged.
  • One time renewal of books is allowed. For subsequent renewal, books are to be presented physically. Request for renewal will be considered if there is no reservation for that book.
  • Books can be recalled in case of an urgent demand for the same, by other members.
  • Members should keep the library informed of any change of address during the period of their membership.
  • The librarian has power to cancel the tickets and refuse admission to anyone who violates the rules & regulations of the library or indulges in any other type of misconduct.
  • Members should return all book from the library bef9ore proceeding on semester holidays.
  • Members should not sub-lend the books, etc borrowed from the library.
  • Application should be made in the prescribed form, available the office. At the end of each academic year, membership to the hostel will be terminated and members who need hostel facility again shall make application for readmission by paying the hostel room rent.
  • The Dy.Warden will allot room for the inmates. Members may be shifted from one room to another by the deputy warden whenever need arises.
  • Vacating hostel in the middle of an academic year will not be permitted. Even if the student leaves the hostel in the middle of an academic year, the hostel rent will not be refunded.
  • Perfect silence is to be maintained during the study time. Evening Study: 6.00 p.m – 7.00 p.m Night Study : 8.30 p.m – 10.30 p.m
  • The room and surrounding should be kept clean and hygienic.
  • Damage or loss of hostel property will result in strict action. Inmates will have to pay the cost of the property, repair charges at double the cost, in addition to penalty depending upon the damage done.
  • Tampering with electrical installations strictly prohibited.
  • Students are not allowed to keep transistors, tape-recorders, walkman, cellular phones, iron boxes, etc., in the premises. Playing cards or possession of the same is strictly forbidden.
  • Before vacating the rooms, the students should inform the warden/ Dy. Warden, clear dues if any, and then vacate.
  • The rooms should be locked whenever the students leave the room. If lights or fan is switched on, when the room is locked, the inmates of that room are liable to be fined.
  • The hostel management is not responsible for the loss of property in the rooms or other properties owned by the students.
  • Visitors are allowed only on Sundays between 8.00 a.m and 6.00 p.m Visitors / Strangers are not permitted to enter the hostel rooms. Students are permitted to go out with his / she relatives only after he / she has got a valid written permission from the Dy. Warden / Warden.
  • No student is permitted to stay in the hostel during college hours or extend his / her leave after holidays without valid permission from the Dy. Warden / Warden.
  • Students should sign in the outing register (for outing and holidays) and in the movement register every time they leave the hostel and return to the hostel.
  • Hostel inmates should strictly adhere to the mess timings.
  • Menu in the mess may be changed under unavoidable circumstances without prior intimation.
  • Day scholars will not be permitted to enter the hostel premises or dine in the mess.
  • Inmates are not allowed to carry food outside the mess hall.
  • Mess rates will be on the semester basis. Payment of mess bill can be made in cash or as DD.
  • Any problem can be represented to the Dy. Warden / Warden for immediate solution. Collective representation is strictly forbidden. Hostellers should not organize any function or meeting without prior permission from the Warden.
  • Hostellers are expected to maintain good conduct and discipline. Students found violating the rules and regulations will face strict disciplinary action.