Counselling Code


POSH Committee strives to eliminate work-place sexual harassment since women have the right to work in safe and secure environment. It is the responsibility to ensure safety of women in a work environment and improve their participation.

Members are listed below
S.No. Members Designation Department
1 Dr.P.Rajeswari Convener ASP/ECE
2 Ms.A.K.Nivedha Co-Convener AP/BME
3 Mrs.M.Bhuvaneswari Staff Members EEE
4 Ms.Jeevika Civil
5 Mrs.Aarthi CSE
6 Mrs.R.Sujitha ECE
7 Mrs.A.Dhivya IT
8 Mrs.N.Suguna MBA
9 Mrs.R.Gayathri MCA
10 Mrs.T.Radha S&H
11 B.ParasakthiStudent Members ECE
12 K.Padmapriya CSE
13 Lavanya.S Civil
14 V.Anbarasi BME
15 Bodhini AI&DS

  • To provide a safe working environment.
  • Organize workshops and awareness programmes at regular intervals for sensitizing employees on the issues and implications of workplace sexual harassment.
  • Organize orientation programmes for members of the internal complaints committee.
  • To treat sexual harassment as a misconduct under the service rules and initiate action for misconduct.
  • Display Guidelines to create awareness about the rights of female employees.